
Thank you for your interest in our pet care business. We are Andy, Martin & Manny from Underhill, VT. We provide a routine of drop-in visits to care for your home & pets in your home. We also provide dog walking services at your home or a destination walk in the neighborhood, local park, or dog-friendly path.


It was 2003. We met, moved into a house in Burlington, and combined our pet families. Between us, we had 2 dogs, 4 cats, a parrot, a turtle, and a gerbil. Martin was working as General Manager of Petco in S. Burlington. Andy was working at Vermont Teddy Bear. We came up with the idea of a professional pet sitting company when Martin's customers at Petco kept coming in and asking what to do with their beloved pets when they travel. At the time professional pet sitters were not yet a thing in this area. In 2005, Martin left his job. We took $300 and started this business with some flyers, business cards, and with the help of some local veterinarian endorsements.
Pet owners loved it! They were so happy to have a reliable, trustworthy, and affordable option to leave their pets in their own safe & cozy homes. We got busy pretty quickly and hired some employees. Within a few years, Andy was able to leave his job and join the business full time. We moved to Williston, got married, and grew the business. We decided to stop having employees and just be a 2 guy operation. This way we could have total control over quality and not have to deal with turn-over. In 2009, an amazing customer of ours got us an Australian Shepherd puppy for Christmas! We named him Auggie. He would become our company mascot and best friend.
We moved out to the mountains of Underhill in 2012 and love our property very much. We have been working to get a strong business base close to home while still trying to service our customers from our time in Williston. We lost our beloved, Auggie to cancer in March of 2020. We were so fortunate to be able to find a new puppy that was Auggie's nephew and brought him home in September 2020. We named him Mansfield and we call him Manny. He is our new bestie and company mascot.
COVID put a pause on the pet care business for quite a bit in 2020 and early 2021. We didn't know if the business would survive as nobody was traveling. We took our stimulus money and started a second business, Cloverdale Flower Farm. We made good use of our property and grew thousands of flowers to sell at the local farmer's market. The pet care business has started coming back as people begin to travel and between the two businesses, we survived.
Over the past 17 years, we have cared for over 1000 different pets! It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know them, caring for them, and becoming their friends. What an amazing job it is to experience so many animal friendships. We truly know how important your pets are to you. We want to be there for them when you can't be. Most of all, we want to be their friends!
